i like lisa's take on it. it's really no big deal. if the music is good people will enjoy themselves, unless they are a crappy audience who will stand around staring regardless of what you do.

so if you have great music, be at least somewhat satisifed, don't take it too seriously, not everyone can be a highly entertaining performance and musical artist at the same time. the music is of course more important than the visual presentation by several times over.

that said, acts like ultradyne, who have the sickest music, and have a really great stage presence, dope costumes...they do present something that is much more entertaining than if they wore plainclothes and just had laptops, even if the music was just as great in the end. if you can come up with some sort of spectacle that you are comfortable with, i think you are only improving your live performance.

i'd really like a shark costume and a couple dancing girls/singers but dont have the time or money to arrange such things. by being really half-assed in my preparation for playing live, i end up having to work really hard to keep things working, making mistakes, but i've realized i kinda like it that way...

i don't agree at all that a laptop or any electronic music performance takes as much work as playing bass or piano etc etc (depending on what you call "work") -- unless you are memorizing notation, practicing your playing (like, real playing) until it's really tight, and playing with other people....but they are two entirely different forms of performance and its not fair, pretty pointless to compare. one involves a hell of a lot of physical dexterity, co-operation, and talent, the other is much more intellectual and task based. they stand on their own as forms of performance and dont need to compete with each other, the amount of "work" can not be quantified and compared, it bugs me to hear people try to do that

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