Gosh, is what we are talking about a sorta DJ vanity? Like, if something 
doesn't *look* interesting it *isn't* interesting, no matter what it sounds 
like? I would not argue that the visual is totally unimportant, but personally 
I don't think it's the most important thing - unless that's the whole point you 
are there. Not everyone can pull off good visual art. I know some DJs who are 
very low key but SO amazing. Kinda like the way a cricket is a small bug and it 
can make this loud, wonderful noise - but if you go look at it, it ain't all 
that visually exciting (usually). Personally, if something sounds good I'll go 
look at it, but after that I'm too busy dancing to worry about looking unless 
it comes to me (like lights or video all around you).

As long as the experience enjoyable for people (DJ included) does it really 
matter how you get there or do it? There's more to the experience than just 
what the peeps on the stage are doing ...


----- Original Message -----
From: Dennis DeSantis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, June 24, 2004 12:44 pm
Subject: Re: (313) Laptop performances

> Neil Wiernik wrote:
> > that is exactly what makes a live show BORING - a recipes, 
> nothing worse
> > then a cookie cutter live artists, electronic or other wise...
> I completely agree, which is why it was offered with tounge-in-
> cheek.  I 
> encourage anyone who's performing to perform their own way.
> But, for whatever reason, I've found that some of the things that 
> seem 
> to work consistently, seem to work consistently for multiple 
> artists. 
> And I feel no guilt in not reinventing the wheel on stage in every 
> possible way.
> > like I said befor if the music is good and can stand on its own 
> there is
> > no need for gimmicks, showmanship, videos or any thing as that 
> stuff just
> > takes away from how good your music really is...
> Here, I respectfully disagree.  If the show means nothing, then 
> there's 
> no reason for it to happen.  A person with a club-wattage PA 
> system in 
> their basement could have an identical experience as the person in 
> a 
> club.  And that's not the way it works (thank God, or we'd all be 
> out of 
> work...:)
> --
> Dennis DeSantis
> www.dennisdesantis.com

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