>. I
> don't typically know song names, but know I want to play that Perlon song,
> so I flip to the Perlon sleeve when DJing. Anyone have experience with
> How are the search features set up? Search by artist, title, label, genre,
> etc??

I use FS which has a text search facility - u cant really argue with that
really, no more flicking through record boxes just whap in a search string
and bobs your instant digitally encoded media  :)

The latency on FS isnt too hot so itll be interesting to hear if/how much
better the rane performs [Id kinda hope with ranes reputation for
turntablist wares it would be].  Its quite funny actually ... the rane got
released and there was talk of it on the stanton FS forums ... now the
forums have been shut down "to provide customers with more precise
information" hmm intresting !


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