>> My new house is wayyy too easy to break into for my liking, and I just know
>> one day I'm gonna catch some 12 yr old dangling half way outside my spare
>> room window with a load of records under his arm. (Probably before I get a
>> chance to insure them).

Sooooo, where *is* your new house :)

Joking aside, a household contents insurance policy should cover it. You would 
need to be aware of whether they classify a collection of items as a 'single 
article' because your single article limit will probably be less than the sum 
total of your records. The other thing to do is take photographic evidence of 
your collection which you can present in the case of the claim.

What Toby says about a burglar not bothering to nick them due to size/weight is 
true. However, if someone is prepared to break into your house then you have to 
figure that they may also trash whatever they don't carry off.

Crime: together we'll crack it :)


P.S: Seriously, where do you live? Are you ever out for long periods during the 
day? What time would this be? Do you have a burglar alarm that I should know 

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