Heh.  The Pixies were to the 80s what the Velvet Underground was to the
60s and the Ramones were to the 70s.  The mp3s of the live show from
Coachella are quite good, too.

If, as has been said, techno is a sound you've never heard before, the
Pixies were techno.

Extra points to the first techno Pixies remix!

On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >I rather see the cure.
> I had 2 free fcuknig tickets and I passed them on.
> What an idiot.
> re. The Pixies hype, I'd say mainly to do with the fact they had a lot of
> fans who never saw them back in the day (like me). Also kids are getting
> into them. An 18 year old kid at my work just bought their greatest hits LP
> - he loves it.
> Anyway, guess this isn't really techno talk. Best I shut up. Sorry.

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