On Aug 9, 2004, at 12:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
But on some systems, it just gets agonizing on the

I'd love to see Theo on a serious system. I don't think I ever have. Just small club stuff. He needs to play on a system where the low end can have
the same impact as his crazy highs.

I know what you mean.. Smartbar was famous for having among the crappiest sound systems in the city in years past... then they made some improvements in think in the past year (or maybe past 6 mos.? I'm certainly no expert) but i noticed on saturday it was not the horrible echo chamber cavern it used to be, there are better speakers mounted in the ceiling over the dancefloor that I had never noticed before. In general most things sound better down there than they used to, anyway.

Matt MacQueen

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