> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 01 October 2004 13:45
> That's why my blood starts boiling beyond belief when people 
> like this come along blaming europeans for whatever it is we 
> are supposed to have done.

I know exactly what you mean - but the thing to bear in mind 
is that this guy isn't exactly likely to get a great deal of 
support from other people in the US, as generally speaking 
the techno scene doesn't appeal to neo-conservatives, 
isolationists, ultra-nationalists and other "Fortress America" 
types. So what you've got is someone with an extremely marginal 
point of view which isn't going to be adopted by other Americans.

It's really easy to get angry, because you basically can't 
reason with nationalists. A nationalist will always discount the 
viewpoints of foreigners because contempt for the views of 
foreigners is pretty much fundamental to the whole concept of 
nationalism. So when you don't have any way to engage rationally 
with someone, anger is an understandable response. But it's 
best to try to suppress that anger; the only people who'd be able 
to reason with this guy are other Americans, as these are the 
only people he'll ever pay attention to or take seriously.


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