I feel some pretty dark, hard stuff coming out of the machines tonite once I 
patch in. fxckin pissed. I can't even listen to "can you feel it - fingers" 
right now. That's usually my inspiration if nothing else works. Feeling pretty 
pressurized. Feeling like making some techno. 

On that note. I also wonder if allowing the anger and judgemental attitudes to 
take hold now (after 4 years of trying to remain calm and balanced) might be 
counterintuitive to our (de/reprogrammers)  cause. Are these feelings an 
acceptable response to the situation or is this the reaction the programmers 
wanted? Can techno really make a difference? If so, will the nitelife laws act 
as a limiter on any power that techno posseses? Was this a calculated 
preemptive strike to dull the power of techno? Discuss? 

**clarification** not really asking for advice as much as trying to spark 
intelligent convo on the subject AND keep it somewhat on topic.

Kamal K. Stoddard
Turner Broadcasting Systems

 "Bebop was about change, about evolution. It wasn't about standing still and 
becoming safe. If anybody wants to keep creating they have to be about change." 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: J.T. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 3:01 PM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 313@hyperreal.org
> Subject: RE: (313) OT :Oh! Canada,,, Oh Canada,,,,,,,,,
> i completely agree with matt's sentiments, but the subject 
> says OT, and i am too angry to restrain myself to platitudes 
> and self-censorship.
> you can not share a passion for the arts with being a bush 
> supporter. there is virtually no gov't funding of the arts 
> now, and it's going to get worse. it has already had a 
> dramatic effect on arts and culture in the past 4 years. it's 
> like being an animal lover and wearing fur, totally moronic. 
> this has a drastic affect on the art world as a whole, from 
> the academic world, to the viability of clubs, galleries, and 
> performance spaces, to the economic wellbeing of arts-related 
> industries. 
> to be a bush supporter is to be obsessed with "safety" (an 
> obvious euphemism for FEAR) and an agenda to make the 
> christian way of life synonymous with the american way of 
> life -- at the expense of civil rights, women's rights, 
> religious freedom/seperation of church and state, fiscal 
> responsibility, diplomacy, healthcare, education, responsible 
> military strategy, etc! and har har, what a brainwash, the 
> world hates our conservative leadership and it makes us a 
> target, less safe (more fearful), so it's not about safety, 
> it's about (christian) american self-righteousness, ego, and 
> fear-induced puritanism going in a downward spiral. it's a 
> tragedy! and it's dangerous. one of, if not THE most 
> fundamental philosophies espoused by the constitution is 
> seperation of church-state, it's the whole reason there is a 
> USA to begin with, and yet we have evengelical christians 
> guiding the country, making their beliefs law. thats so 
> amazingly wrong, and in fact i think it is unconstituional 
> (in ideology, if not by the letter of the law) to run for 
> office on such a platform. popular support does not make it 
> right; democracy is not democracy when it favors a viewpoint 
> which inherently rejects other substantially represented 
> viewpoints -- that's a democratic removal of freedom, which 
> is as fundamental and dengerous a paradox as can be. it's 
> fine to believe what you want but you can't impose your 
> religious beliefs (aka morals ha) on the whole country. this 
> election has been decided by scared little sheep clinging to 
> tough talk, their empowering SUV's, and selfish, singleminded 
> notions of God and morality that are retreating backwards 
> towards puritanical blindness and intolerance. 
> it's a failure of the american education system. unite the 
> country my ass. good thing those republican-made Diebold 
> voting machines in ohio and florida made for an "accurate" 
> count (which Mr Diebold promised would go Bush's way months 
> ago). the few times they've been independently tested before 
> they've shown hours of un-recorded votes, unauthorized modem 
> activity, and other signs of tampering. but EVEN if this 
> election was won fair and square, which i rather doubt, i 
> don't care -- the people and the leadership of this country 
> disgust me, and i see incredibly dangerous trends taking 
> hold. we're going backwards, and it's my country too, i'm 
> entitled to be pissed off as much as anyone else is entitled 
> to be rejoicing. and i am so f***ing pissed off. and i am 
> thankful to see others who sympathize regardless of the forum. 
> jt
> ps nice words ja'maul. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Burd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Nov 3, 2004 1:23 PM
> To: 313@hyperreal.org
> Subject: RE: (313) OT :Oh! Canada,,, Oh Canada,,,,,,,,,
> Mr. Gianelli, 
> Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll stay.  It appears 
> that you aren't accepting of "my type".  Can I not share a 
> liking of electronic music with you while being a 
> conservative Republican and speak up against those who 
> criticize this country?  I believe our friend Chris voted for 
> Mr. Bush as well, do you plan to boycott FSC?
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 12:07 PM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Redmond, Ja'Maul'; 313@hyperreal.org
> Cc: Stephen Burd
> Subject: RE: (313) OT :Oh! Canada,,, Oh Canada,,,,,,,,,
> Mr. Burd,
> You can leave this list and go listen to born again C&W music 
> while waving your flag.  
> Your type isn't needed around here.
> telepathic regards,
> the kooky scientist
> > please take him. 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Redmond, Ja'Maul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 10:50 AM
> > To: 313@hyperreal.org
> > Subject: (313) OT :Oh! Canada,,, Oh Canada,,,,,,,,,
> > 
> > I never thought I would be the political type, but with 
> America truly 
> > showing what direction it wants to continue in it's future, 
> I know ask 
> > you canadian 313er's.
> > 
> > How is Canada? I hear it's great for the arts and not bad 
> for techno, 
> > my girlfriend loves vancouver.
> > 
> > Would you accept another disgruntled american,,,:)
> > 
> > 
> > Ja'Maul Redmond
> > 1100 S. Tryon St. Suite 300, Charlotte, NC 28203
> > t: 704.343.9900 f:704.343.9999 www.perkinswill.com
> > 
> > Perkins+Will. Ideas + buildings that honor the broader goals of 
> > Perkins+society
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Redmond, Ja'Maul
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 8:47 AM
> > To: 313@hyperreal.org
> > Subject: RE: (313) stinson interview/
> > 
> > De Block, Mario Quote
> > "A black and white world is what I truly detest, even if 
> one day 50.5 
> > % of America would decide we're better off that way Mario"
> > 
> > But a black and white world or  is what we live in. Well at 
> least here 
> > in America. Things are SO Clearly Divided it's pathetic.
> > That's just reality.  
> >  
> > As for Stinson's comments, everyone has to remember that 
> was back in 95'
> > even by 97' 98' he had somewhat changed his viewpoint on hawtin. He 
> > then started to blame a lot of the problems on the first 
> Generation's 
> > Exodus of Detroit. So like any man/especially an opionated man you 
> > find that he contradicted himself a lot through-out time.
> > 
> > None theless, This country's foundation is rooted in racial/social 
> > economic division. Detest it or not it will always be 
> present even in 
> > Art.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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