On the 313 ish front I would say early Black Dog Productions stuff.
Their stuff on Degiorgios art label (as BDP/Ballil/etc) in particular.

On a moody/sountrack note, the remake of the movie Solaris has a very good soundtrack.

Cyclone Wehner wrote:

Oh yes I have lots of records for those moods, heartache type records.
I always think Mayday's Winter on The Blvd song is the definitive sad one.
You may like the Mulholland Dr soundtrack - I swear the theme sounds so like
Mayday's 'ambient' material.
Also not at all electronic but I recently got sent The World Is Saved by
Stina Nordenstam which is surprisingly jazzy and contemplative.

as in "pensive reflection or contemplation" - been listening to lots of
music that puts me there/or compliments the mood I'm already in (I blame
this rainy, not quite snowing yet, grey weather we've been having)

stuff like:

Opiate, Minotaur Shock, Four Tet, Isan, Mum, Boards of Canada, Blockhead,
Fennesz, etc.

anyone got suggestions for more of this type or more Detroit/313 oriented
music that might fit the bill?


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