if someone told me that i don't get "it"  because i dont like a classic
track...well to me that stinks of arrogance...not everyone has to think
"______" track is a classic...and i was just letting yussel know my
opinion of that....so why should you care????  did i say something to
you???? just go back underneath your rock and let me bicker and whine
just like everyone else on this dang list!!!    moral watchdog??? ha ha
now thats funny, i dont think so ........ i'll leave that up to the
others who feel its there role to protect the innocent


> geesh ... so after your rather successful alex rant you are the new
> moral watchdog round here eh?
> let me see.. geesh .... yussel's opinion is not the end all be all
> opinion for everyone ..... some agree and i'm sure some obviously don't
> ....  GET IT?
> jesus christ ... i get told all the time here in vienna that in the
> anglo-saxon sphere (contrary to for example continental europe), at
> least in academic circles, debaters are perfectly used to use sharp
> attacks, absolute negations, controversial statements, though
> arguments... tough in giving & tough in taking...  so please try to
> comply and give a fvcking straight retort (softened by irony if you
> wish & can, hey alex i miss you, get out of your cave!) to an
> opinion you don't like instead of whining about it's partiality
> Renegade808 wrote:
>   At Les is not the end all be all track for everyone....some love it and
> i
> am sure obviously some don't....everyone hears differently.....just
> because someone does'nt agree does'nt mean they don't get it.....
> and no one has to see Innerzone live to understand it either (maybe this
> is what you had to do to understand it)..... the original track is on wax
> and i would say its a good representation of the track...like i said some
> feel it and some don't.  i like the track and other CC stuff but i
> would'nt go telling peeps they don't get it if they don't like the same
> tracks i do......geesh
> michael
> www.renegaderhythms.com
>       what's with the undying love
>     wow- a little overdramatic, yeah?
> what's with the "love" of anything you like?
> i just really like the track. i think those opening chords are as classic
> as anything from the genre. And so does CC as he rerecorded it with
> Innerzone Orchestra and repeatedly stated that he viewed the song as one
> of his "standards"
> On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:
>       did i miss the memo? ive never thought at les was all that
> remarkable really, especially compared to other things CC has
> done. whats with the undying love for this track?
> tom
> ________________________________________________________________
> andythepooh.com

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