from alex...again.


Hey List!!

Robin forwarded me your emails!

Here's the deal: Regal is New Religion's daddy, and EMI is Regal's daddy.
So New Religion is a sub-sub.

: )

and Regal is the Beta Bands label too! and Clor's! check 'em out! Joakim
just did a mix of them. Don't think it's out yet. Oh, Regal used to a
Parlophone sub too, but got switched to EMI last year....

Oh, and while I'm at it, I'll plug the newbies:

Out now : John Foxx "Mr No" b/w Joakim mix. Old electronic piece,
remastered and updated, specially for Greg Earle ; )

Out soon : Hal Varian EP. Deep warm electronics from Holland, beautiful
stuff! I just got the finished copies this morning, they look cool too!

and.... *drum roll* Me and Kirk have nearly finished the ART LP! Just a
remix to come in now for the promo 12 to precede the LP. I feel very happy today, we've worked really really hard on it, and I'm very very proud of it
too. I'm going to get steaming drunk tonight with my mate to celebrate.

Sorry for the sp*m, hope you're all OK.


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