---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Greg Earle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  - On Sunday afternoon, I'll stick pins in my voodoo doll version
>    of my Thomas Cox Action FigureĀ™ (with Kung-Fu GripĀ®) as I root
>    on my hometown (American Football) New England Patriots to
>    whip his Pittsburgh Steelers' butts.  :)

hehehe. all i have left to say about this game is that people are
trying to say its going to make a difference since NE will have
corey dillon back, unlike that other game this season. what they
fail to remember is that we've made a career out of stopping
dillon when he was with the bungles and that we've only allowed
one 100 yard rushing game all season despite already having faced
the #1 running back in the NFL (curtis martin) twice, both times
keeping him under wraps. good luck ;)



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