>so youd punish people who want to hear your music because you
disagree with the government in their country whom they probably
dont agree with anyway? it makes no sense. if anything that would
make me wanna go there even more. 

you really feel like you're being personally punished?
america is a spoiled bitch anyways. it's not bosnia. 
come, or don't. each might help/hurt equally, who can say. i tend to think 
taking a political stand when something is wrong might have a more far-reaching 
impact than coming over and giving a few dozen people a fun night (though maybe 
that would help make the music scene more vibrant etc). but i dunno. it's 
obviously a big f$#^$# hassle to come play the u.s. these days, whether it's 
worth it or not to go thru it is a personal decision. imo no-one can else can 
second-guess it

>and this point just goes without saying. no offense to all the
euro guys out there, but theres enough cats from the us holding it
down that im just not that worried about it. 

now we on the same page

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