>that would be like me saying "i hate germany because there were
nazis there once so i wont go there". its stupid and doesnt make
any sense. 

well gee that IS stupid and doesnt make any sense. :P
the bush administration and their customs policies are in the present, not in 
the past. laurent is french, a country the  admistration has an undisguised 
contempt for. right now.
to borrow your over-the-top nazi metaphor, it's like you're saying "even if i 
was a jew, i'd travel to nazi germany to perform." or no metaphor -- even tho 
the u.s. has some sort of idiotic ego vendetta against france, customs are 
insane difficult to deal with (especially for suspiscious people like french 
artists), the dollar sucks, audience turnouts are low, half the major cities in 
america cant throw a sizable dance party without it getting busted --  if you 
were french you'd come play the u.s. (because it would be cruel not to go 
there!). you're being incredibly idealistic and, yes, self-referential about 
matters you have no experience with. opinions are fine, but geez have a little 
humility when you're talking out of your ass man!

>danny wang in an interview online posted about why he went and
played music in israel depite disagreeing entirely with their
policy towards the palestinian people. and i agreed wholeheartedly
with him and i still feel the same way. its more important to
spread the love than to punish people for policies they may or may
not even agree with. 

who cares? danny can do what he wants for his own reasons like anybody else. 
israel is not america (ha), but neither one is important to go play, it's not 
heroic and it doesn't exhibit any great ideal. these are rich, spoiled 
countries causing more problems for others than they have of their own. 
palestine on the other hand would have been the ideal you're dancing around. 
but even then -- how meaningful and relevent to an oppressed or otherwise 
discontent people is the art/opinion of a foreigner? in som extraordinary cases 
it can be, otherwise a fun night of love spreading sounds groovy and all, but 
the people themselves will make the stuff of real power and relevance for 
themselves by themselves. this particular idealism (about touring for fuxake) 
is poorly focused. and hey, danny moved out of america, remember? don't you 
hate him? he "punished" us all! he doesnt care about us!

you keep using the word "punish" which sounds ridiculous and selfish. just 
because somebody doesn't do something nice for you doesn't mean they have hurt 
you. there is no negative there, only positive or null. reminds me of a kid 
crying because they don't get ice cream or something. 

so who cares? it can suck to varying degrees for promoters and other 
infrastructure when things get cancelled but it happens ALL the time. and some 
things you never know even if you know some. talking crap is fun but it makes 
you sound really stupid and arrogant (inviting that observation from those 
wiser than you, like fred g), and personally it makes me feel really stupid 

not a flame tom. you not stupid. just overzealous. everybody has an attitude.

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