---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: FRED giannelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Wow, you really are an arrogant one.  What did Rich ever do to
you ?  

play bad music. the biggest offense. 

>what did I ever do to you to deserve your scorn besides
questioning your
>take on this topic ?

hmm, is "questioning my take" the same as saying:

"Well, with your rotten attitude, why would anyone want to get to
> know you
>> and bother coming to "entertain" you?
>> I know I wouldn't bother, and I don't have to go through any
customs. "

hey at least when im being a mean arrogant twat im fully aware of
it at the time and i dont try to argue later that i wasnt acting so. 

>Best of luck with your future Mr. Attitude.

not that i need your luck, dog. 




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