on 1/28/05 6:37 PM, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: FRED giannelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Wow, you really are an arrogant one.  What did Rich ever do to
> you ?  
> play bad music. the biggest offense.

Wow, if that is the biggest offense then I guess you voted for Bush...

At least aim it a worthy target like Oakenfold or Sasha, then we'd be on the
same page.  They make way more $.
>> And
>> what did I ever do to you to deserve your scorn besides
> questioning your
>> take on this topic ?
> hmm, is "questioning my take" the same as saying:
> "Well, with your rotten attitude, why would anyone want to get to
>> know you
>>> and bother coming to "entertain" you?
>>> I know I wouldn't bother, and I don't have to go through any
> customs. "

Yes, because you are being the flamer yet can't take a little spark back.
Let me clarify my statement.  If I was booked to play in your part of the
world I would gladly come and perform but I wouldn't bother coming to
specifically "entertain" you.  I'd be there because the promoter booked me
and I'd do my best to entertain everybody, except for you.  Because I know
now that nobody can live up to your supreme standards.  But if someone can,
please inform me of who.  Or perhaps you are the only one who possesses this
talent yet why haven't I ever heard of you ?
> hey at least when im being a mean arrogant twat im fully aware of
> it at the time and i dont try to argue later that i wasnt acting so.

I'll accept your appraisal of your character then.  I'm sorry you cannot
duel like a gentleman such as myself  ; P
(hint... I'm being silly and pompous here)
>> Best of luck with your future Mr. Attitude.
> not that i need your luck, dog.

Please refrain from calling me Dog, sir... ; )
> tom 
> ________________________________________________________________
> andythepooh.com

Well, during this whole thread you seem to be very bitter and angry because
a dj decided not to tour the USA.  Aren't there more important things to aim
your wrath at ? 

And now for some informative comments that maybe you can learn from.

>From my experience in touring as a struggling musician I will say that I've
had trouble getting back in to the US with my equipment and treated like a
terrorist way before 9/11.  Even just going over to Canada with a proper
work permit I would have trouble and get interrogated and I can't even
afford or bother doing drugs.

One time a custom agent looked at all my beat up gear and said where are the
receipts for all this stuff.  I asked him why I would go to Canada to buy a
bunch of old beat up equipment that I could buy for much less in the US if I
could even find the old junk.

I asked many times if there were any special forms I had to take and was
treated unprofessionally by all the agents.  Eventually I was told to get a
Customs Form 4457 Certificate of Registration For Personal Effects Taken
Abroad.   Fill it out before travelling listing all the gear with Serial
#'s.  Get it stamped before checking my luggage.  Of course when you go
through all the trouble of doing that do you think they even take a second
to check anything ?  They could care less.  It's like when they are on the
floor their supervisor or a surveillance camera is on them recording how
much of an unprofessional dick they can be.  Kind of like you.  Hey, I think
I found you a new career !!

And since you don't really know me and I don't know you.  Take it as a joke.
; )

Now just imagine if you are a working DJ working in a scene that the
Government considers just a drug scene with no musical merit.

As for defending my friends, I'll gladly stand up to your silly comments
about Laurent Garnier, Steve Bug and Richie Hawtin.  That's what friends are
for.   They never paid me but I have earned money from when they have
included my tracks on their mix CD's.

Which makes me wonder if you have any friends.  If you want me to be your
friend all you have to do is make a top selling mix cd and I'll let you
license a track from me too.  I might charge you a bit more though now
 ; )

telepathic regards,
the kooky scientist

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