I think Stacey is moving studios, or was as of June. He works on his own 
time, that's always been his way. I think he was also saying that he was
gauging the market. A friend of mine has a couple of promos of things by
signed acts but I'm not sure if they ever came out.

> Does anyone know if we should be expecting to hear anything in the near
> future from the following artists and/ or their respective labels:
> Jay Denham and Black Nation
> Stacey Pullen and Black Flag
> It has been awhile for both of them. Any other Detroit techno artists/
> musicians who haven't released any material in over a year? The creative
> juices need to keep flowing in the Motor City and its extended family cities
> in the U.S. and abroad. It is a small community that seems to be shrinking,
> especially in the U.S.
> O.L.
> ------------------------------

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