I know that Archetype and former list membet Aaron Bennet from Black Nation are playing in LA shortly together with Fanon Flowers. Dunno how much alive this makes Black Nation but Kalamazoo is still alive apparently :)


On 31-jan-05, at 23:31, Cyclone Wehner wrote:

I think Stacey is moving studios, or was as of June. He works on his own time, that's always been his way. I think he was also saying that he was gauging the market. A friend of mine has a couple of promos of things by
signed acts but I'm not sure if they ever came out.

Does anyone know if we should be expecting to hear anything in the near
future from the following artists and/ or their respective labels:

Jay Denham and Black Nation
Stacey Pullen and Black Flag

It has been awhile for both of them. Any other Detroit techno artists/
musicians who haven't released any material in over a year? The creative juices need to keep flowing in the Motor City and its extended family cities in the U.S. and abroad. It is a small community that seems to be shrinking,
especially in the U.S.



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