We (Psurkit) just started a podcast ' website

  I am going to try and do a weekly on Techno.

  cue: request for information

  Well no' suffice to say this list is a large amount of my inspiration
  and motivation to broadcast to the general public concepts and info
  about the global techno scene ..

  either way podcasting is fun and should be had by all '

  I expect podcasting / netcasting will be the inevitable future of
  media . so lets get in there now before all else and use it !!

  anyway please feel free to check out my first netcast
  and bookmark the page if you are interested in NZ ..




Matt MacQueen wrote:

On Feb 16, 2005, at 8:27 PM, Gerald wrote:

Podcasting!! What the hell is Podcasting!

I must've missed the memo. :D

Gerald, it's the new way you'll syndicate your awesome mix show content to people who'll 'subscribe' or syndicate your feed... :)


"Doc Searls may have said it best: “PODcasting will shift much of our time away from an old medium where we wait for what we might want to hear to a new medium where we choose what we want to hear, when we want to hear it, and how we want to give everybody else the option to listen to it as well.”

DIY radio with Podcasting


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