ok so *legal* podcasting is expensive.

so why all the fuss in the media about this. are they encouraging people to go down this route so that they're eventually forced to cough up?

we live in stange times


erika wrote:
If you webcast or post mixes on your own, however, you could be liable for more money than you will ever make in your entire life.

false. there is a "small webcaster" clause. i run a 24x7 audio webcast
with as many as 1000 unique listeners a day but pay under $600/year to
license broadcast rights for songs represented by ascap, bmi, AND
sesac (which have recipcicol rights with many foreign organizations
such as gema).. this is DIFFERENT from the right to broadcast the
sound recordings, which are covered by a separate licensing fee
payable to the US copyright office via soundexchange. this one is
heftier, about $1k a year (if i remember correctly) -- but not wholly

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