On the topic of who gets the money.

Do you guys think it's morally wrong to download a song that is somehow impossible to get? We all know many cases where the record has been long deleted and it is only possible to get from ebay/gemm/where ever.

Example: Let's assume I whip up 40-50e for a record (current asking for DBX - Losing control remixes for example), how does that benefit the artist? It only benefits the guy who managed to buy a copy at the time it was available.

I say we need either more re-presses and/or good mp3 stores. I think we are seeing the both happening now. I love those planet-e/metroplex/transmat represses, I'm buying them like hot cakes. I also love bleep where I can buy long lost tracks by Drexciya and others.

This then brings us to the issue of "everybody can be a dj". I think we all have those limited edition and white label gems which we guard like hawks. I confess that I'm a little pissed if a dj plays the tune from cd-r that I've been hunting down for ages. But you know what, this is the modern days and I think it's good that anybody can be a dj. And by anybody can be a dj, I mean anybody can go to bleep and buy the drexciya's journey home (like I did a while ago :)) and play that funky music. I think the vast selection of records just emphasizes the selection skills and technique of the dj. It also emphasizes the fact that a good dj has to have some kind of knowledge about the history of dance music. There is millions and millions good tunes made today and in the future there will be even more. But to weed out the good tunes from the sea of electronic music, you have to know who are the good producers that you like, which labels puts out funky tunes etc etc.

In one sentence: Dedication to music in whole.

Have a good weekend,

Jari Tolkkinen | dj ken-guru | http://www.ken-guru.net

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