This is a man who plays Radiohead and Beyonce... kinda defies categories. 
He's working on new material, that I know. Did anyone hear his remix of
hip-hop cat Grand Agent lately? It's on a comp CD that is out through Aussie
hip-hop label Obese.

Also for Aussie, Recloose tour coming up, and Derrick May playing Fuzzy (and
hopefully Melb) in April.

>   This is the vibe I'm getting ..
>   No one really seems to want to talk about him.
>   He's obviously not Techno enough for some around here,
>   and to avant garde for the art crews ?
>   is their no really no comment .. or do people not want
>   to discredit a famous artist for being to 'off'
>   /
>   In my brain i'm expecting soul / jazz collages of stringy
>   loops and a fetish in abstract order .
>   I'm looking forward to a great performance that will
>   challenge people but not alienate them.
>   Not that I'm relying on Carl, but we need a bit of a
>   shift in music consciousness in our area, if our dancefloor
>   wants to progress.
>   We are stuck in a loop devoid of substance, remixing our
>   ideas into boredom and mutiny '
>   This year is the 10th anniversary of alot of the original
>   old school dance crews in the south island of New Zealand
>   The old feet need to be reminded of why this is about
>   the music and the dancing .. I think.
>   .simon
> Tristan Watkins wrote:
>> Depends on the night really. He's all over the map these days, but
> sometimes it doesn't all come together. Others he's *on*.
>> Tristan
>> =======
>> ________________ Original message ________________
>> Subject: (313) Carl Craig '
>> Author: Simon Kong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date:  12th March 2005 2:48:24
>> Hey all,
>>   Carl Craig is playing in New Zealand this month '
>>   Has anyone seen him play recently?
>>   What should we expect.
>>   I know his Tech rider asks for:
>>   3 x Turntable (using Final Scratch)
>>   2 x CDJ's
>>   ..
>>   This is exciting for us we don't get artists
>>   like Carl down this way much.
>>   .simon

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