Ive thought about this before. When I waa going pout in the late 80s early
90s I never once remember thinking 'man all this music is kinda slow', but
now when I play some of the older stuff theres an automatic impulse to wanna
pitch it up. I guess the transition is so gradual that you dont notice it
happening, but the knock on effect is I probably jerk my body in various
rhthmic motions at least twice as often in the course of a night now than I
did 10 years ago! I blame Lenny Dee and his so called gabba techno! Nothing
seemed fast enough after that era!

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Stoddard,Kamal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'robin'"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 4:28 PM
Subject: RE: (313) Slowing down (was Stasis)

> yeah i think a lot of early techno was real slow, maybe cus it was just an
offshoot of house anyways...
> maybe it's coming fullcircle again now, people want to mix techno and
house together again, at least i do, they're becoming less distinct from
each other again...
> some of my alltime favorite stuff is stuff that sits between techno and
house...orlando (all these reissues are kicking my ass, and they keep
coming!!), paperclip peeps, eff, prescription, ferox (who borrowed eddie's
"techno soul" line), model 500 (the chase, ocean to ocean)...the slower the
tempo, the more soulful, in some ways...sometimes? well thats probably
nonsense, i dunno

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