On Apr 25, 2005, at 8:27 PM, Simon Hindle wrote:

I can't recommend picadilly enough! I used to go there all the time when I lived in Manchester, and even now on the other side of the world they remain one of my favourite shops.

While i've never been there (but hope to someday) their weekly email newsletters with label art and descriptions is great, they do a really nice job with it. Of all the record shop emails I'm subscribed to... (and sadly not enough time to even open many of them), if i only have time to read one, you can bet it's the Piccadilly "weekly issue guide".

The editorial bit at the beginning "this weeks thoughts" is written with care and always provides a chuckle and worth a skim. I think you can even configure which genres you want to get in your email newsletter, so it's customized to your tastes. Of course for weridos like me that work the seams BETWEEN genres, this makes it more difficult cause I have to check almost all the boxes.. but that's my problem not theirs. ;)


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