agreed... to me it falls in with the harder techno and just doesn't do it for me.

None of them military, dictating types of music get me going at all..

I like to be asked questions, surprised, get a groove going.....

not jus bash, bash, bash, f*** me up the a**e, bash, bash, bash, su** my d*** all night long

but each to their own.

i do know that i have extremely narrow taste in music  :)

Martin Dust wrote:

On 28 Apr 2005, at 09:51, robin wrote:

Am i the only one here who thinks booty is a pile of s**t.....

interesting you should say that P. i like booty but to be honest once i'd got a few bits and pieces i just lost interest. for me it doesn't work that well in electro cos i like electro either dark or more old-school and a lot slower. i think it works well in harder techno settings tho (in small amounts) but i don't really play that style much either.

also there's only so far you can take the joke of being that explicit in the UK (or in Europe I guess). there's a definite cultural difference there.

i expect someone from the US to pipe up now and tell me there's no joke in booty :)

I see it as proper party music to kick back to, no need to get glitch and chin on it ass :), just dance. The swearing is just part of the coda, it becomes the rhythm for me and in the hands of a good DJ, they really become part of the music, love it.

My 2 pence worth...


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