On 28 Apr 2005, at 11:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So it's all about having a little fun.

well, hey. I think (?) I have a sense of humour and I don't see the funny

point is maarten, that not everyone in the world is as intelligent as you
and not everyone can see the irony.

if just one, yep, just one kid in the world takes all this at face value,
then what good does it do?

and, is it REALLY ironic?

I aint so sure you know, I think it's more a way some of these people
actually think. think of all the hiphop stuff, all the dancehall stuff too,
is ALL of that ironic? I dont believe it is.

But couldn't you say the same for books, films, newspapers etc, etc, in fact most right wing groups have at some put tried to blame everything else but themselves. An artist can't be held responsible for someone else's stupidity, sure not!

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