The way I see it 'beat that bitch with a bat' ain't fun whether it's in a
film, book, newspaper or a booty track.

on 28/4/05 12:14 pm, Martin Dust at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 28 Apr 2005, at 11:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> So it's all about having a little fun.
>> well, hey. I think (?) I have a sense of humour and I don't see the
>> funny
>> bit.
>> point is maarten, that not everyone in the world is as intelligent as
>> you
>> and not everyone can see the irony.
>> if just one, yep, just one kid in the world takes all this at face
>> value,
>> then what good does it do?
>> and, is it REALLY ironic?
>> I aint so sure you know, I think it's more a way some of these people
>> actually think. think of all the hiphop stuff, all the dancehall stuff
>> too,
>> is ALL of that ironic? I dont believe it is.
> But couldn't you say the same for books, films, newspapers etc, etc, in
> fact most right wing groups have at some put tried to blame everything
> else but themselves. An artist can't be held responsible for someone
> else's stupidity, sure not!

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