> > C'mon let's face it,  hardcore, whether it was 'ardkore, or happy was a
> > big pile of sh*t and had the musical content of a cheese sandwich.

Yeah but most the hardcore stuff from back then was never meant to stand the
test of time and have any great musical merit. It was largley made by people
who liked doing Es and was made for people who liked doing Es. Maybe not all
the time, but it was music that was all about the moment. Anyone who was
caught up in that era such as myself will always find it hard to fully
dismiss that music no matter how crap a lot of it sounds now because it was
still the soundtrack to hundreds of pilled up nights that helped make me the
person I am today. Yeah, I was digging a lot of 'better' music back then,
but I haven't experienced many better buzzes in my life than being pilled up
to the eyeballs and hearing $hit like Charlie for the first time. So what if
it doesn't hold up musically, it made me wanna dance like a loon when I was
17 and there's something to be said for music that JUST does that and
nothing more. Having said that though I do shudder when I think of what half
my record collection back then sounds like!


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