David Powers wrote:
>If a record is not in print, and a friend of mine has it, I have no
>problem with recording a copy, even if it is illegal.

I'll give you that but you're also not pressing up copies and selling them
as if you owned the material.  Just because you buy something doesn't mean
that you have the right to duplicate it and sell it as your own.

Would you do that with a book by an author who is still alive?

Who ever is bootlegging these Buzz records should be strung up by their
b*lls once for bootlegging it, and then again for the crap quality of the


             "Big 50                                                       
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To 
             ainment.com>              "'David Powers'"                    
                                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,       
             06/03/05 01:08 PM         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              
             Please respond to                                     Subject 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         RE: (313) virtual sex lp repressed! 
               ainment.com>            ACTUALLY IT'S BEEN BOOTLEGGED, BURN 
                                       THE BOOTLEGGERS                     

Give me a break,
It's not "information," copyrights are intangible assets fixed in sound
recordings ultimately owned by someone.  Perhaps you're thinking of public
domain songs.
Copyright holders have exclusive reproduction and distribution rights which
have been violated with these "copies."  So, not only have the eight
involved been screwed but also the label that put it out (or whoever owns
its rights).
The records are still available to this "society" but no one wants to seem
to wait until they come across them.

I've been guilty of copyright infringement personally but I won't try to
justify it by saying is should be available because people want it.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Powers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 12:11 PM
Cc: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: (313) virtual sex lp repressed! ACTUALLY IT'S BEEN BOOTLEGGED,

Okay, I feel like playing the devil's advocate here, and I'd argue that
what your point misses is that information is not "property" in the
traditional sense of a car or house... Some people would argue that it
is in the nature of information that it will spread despite whatever
legislative limits are put on it.  It is also in the public interest
that information be readily available, which is why we have libraries.

In the US, (according to the constitution) copyright law is supposed to
exist to balance the rights of the individual producer with the rights
of society to progress and benefit from the intellectual property.  If
information becomes completely unavailable, then society no longer is
able to benefit from it.  It is one thing if a work is unpublished, but
something else if it is simply out of print.

If a record is not in print, and a friend of mine has it, I have no
problem with recording a copy, even if it is illegal.  I'm not much of a
capitalist though.



> This is consumerism gone mad!
> Just because someone has an item you want doesn't mean that you have
> the automatic right to buy it. They might not want to sell it, and
> since it's their property it's entirely up to them. That doesn't
> justify a bootlegger stealing it from them.
> I'm going to sound like a proper old git now, but people these days
> seem to forget that you can't have everything. Some things in life
> just aren't available,  and that's simply too bad, get over it!
>> Alex Bond: "you're taking the beans off carl craigs kids toast innit."
>> Ok, now I'm offended! I buy almost every bloody record that Carl
>> Craig produces so my money is definitely going into his pockets!!!
>> But if someone bootlegs the Virtual Sex lp it's because no one else
>> thought of it before. Come on people!!! These guys from Detroit and
>> everyone who's connected have so many good records that are sold for
>> loads of cash on eBay. Why don't they repress it themselfs? Why wait
>> 'till someone else does it and be angry about it.
>> You know people want these records!!! Make sure people can buy them!
>> It's simple economy!
>> It's the same discussion as with downloading music. People have a
>> need, act upon it. And make sure someone else doesn't outsmart you.

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