p.s. how were Kraftwerk detroit heads? as if I need to ask?! hope you all
enjoyed it as much as I did.

It was fantabulous, as you could expect!!! They played the standards like "Autobahn", "The Robots" and "Pocket Calculator" (which had a humorous animation to go with it), but they also played "Neon Lights", which surprised me.

The sound quality was excellent and the sound-imaging superb. Lots of detail and subtle sound manipulation and sounds that seemed to bounce around the room. At points it reminded me of the penchant for aural nuance you find in psychedelic trance, though obviously this was just Kraftwerk doing what they've always done excellently.

Unfortunately, they didn't play the thumping remix of "Airwaves" that they played in Manhattan a few years ago. Sigh! I was really hoping they'd play it.
But no matter, it was an excellent show regardless!

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