oops, reality, sorry! i realize this was a completely ridiculous thing to 
suggest, and i might as well have been talking about dinosaurs and russell 
crowe (!?!?)

i think the festival can only go positive from where it's at. it's never made 
money. maybe now it can proceed with a realistic financial outlook. it's 
changed hands since those controversy's anyways...

you're trying to coddle this thing imo. and overstating the importance of the 
media. corporate sponsors are surely privvy to more inside information than 
what's printed in newspapers, i think they hear about the sketchiness whether 
it's in print or not. negative media doesnt help, but it's just a reaction to 
REAL problems that can't be swept aside!

i think the management of the festival has played the largest part in the 
festival's struggle, uhhh?? for instance, hugely inflated numbers matched with 
hugely disappointing returns considering those numbers, that make potential 
sponsors scratch their heads incredulously? 

>Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's encourage the media to find as much negative
stuff as possible on the fest and question *everything* and scare off all
sponsors so it doesn't happen *ever* again. I think we should also implicate
the festival in:

1. Third World Debt
2.  Terrorism
3. Breakdown of Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt's marriage (Brad spending too
much time planning his attendance, Jen got mad, etc)
4. Russell Crowd phone rage (phone repairman still recovering from festival
5. the extinction of dinosaurs

Seriously if there *is* a huge story I have *no doubt* it will be exposed.
But whether that's a good thing for a festival or not, or Detroit, I don't
know. I think media reports have played a large part in the festival's
struuggle - a lot of things in the past that should have been resolved
privately have been played out in the public arena which is not a good thing
for the festival's future. What do others think?


> i know geez, no wonder they ran into a few financial problems with the
> crowd estimation off by ohh just 1.4 million people or so.
> thats way beyond miscounting or inflation, that's fraud isnt it? i mean
> using these imaginary numbers to attract bigname sponsors and overvalue
> fees for tents and booths etc....???
> i mean seems like a huge story to me...no?

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