Cloud 9 it was (I think it was me that reminded you ;)....)

I was there, not overly impressed by the night at the time, though I suspect I 
would have a slightly different take on it nowadays. I remember being 
exceedingly impressed by the greeters who came over with UR (maybe Cliff?), 
they were really nice.

I remember seeing a pair of older guys there (or so they seemed at the time) 
who were standing towards the back.

They really stood out from the crowd since they were wearing suits and dancing 
incredibly beatifully. With hindsight one of them might have been Mills, 
whoever they were they looked pretty serious!

Does anybody remember those dudes? I now it's a bit of a long shot but it's one 
of those embedded rave memories that has really stayed with me. Can anyone shed 
any light?

You wrote:
> > Fave club (for techno): cantremember name but when UR played somewhere
> > nr vauxhall on the embankment around 97 / 98.... that rocked..  UR003=20
> > and kraftwerk  numbers...  :)
> > Fave club (currently): n/a
> Cloud 9, someone reminded me recently ... I wasn't there though.
> K

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