Name:Kamal Stoddard

Age: 29

Place I live: Atlanta, Georgia

City I was born in: ATL

How long been into Detroit music: since I could hear

What turned me on to Detroit: my momma playing motown like a feen

Fave Live act: see, there's this girl that works at magic city.... :)

Fave Live act (techno): the south african boot dancers 

Fave club (for techno):the mighty tresor

Fave club (currently): east side lounge

First Detroit techno record: can't remember as I wasn't really geography 
concsious back then, I was a grommet. I remember Deep C used to play the 
fxcking butter detroit bizness that would sound like you were underwater and 
getting your brain licked by angels. He was amazing back then. Still is I hear. 
Man I gotta hit him up. Years later I discovered these were "well known" and 
"seminal" detroit records and was like, damn! So everybody knows how he used to 
have that SOUND? I thought I was collecting the super-unknown underground 
secret weapon shxt (dmay-spaced out had a huge effect on my feelings for bass). 
Sweet memories. Funny but now they're back to being secret weapons again. Haha.

 Webpage : I'm not a spider.

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