Since Matt has so kindly pointed out the livejournal aspect of the 313 this AM, I'll reveal the moment of shame that begins my association with 313 music.

Name:  Marc Christensen
Age:  35
Born: Baltimore.
Lived:  Detroit '72-'01.   Victoria, BC, Canada '01-present.

First 313 experience: participating in a 1985 high school dancefloor sit-down to protest the Jit content of some whack DJ who was supposed to be the sh*t. There was supposed to be alt-mod-new wave-italo content, but no, it seemed like the DJ just wanted to play hip hop, and scratch things together way too fast. That DJ was Jeff Mills, and he bitterly recalls this experience in a mid-90's interview. Sorry, Jeff. IIRC, it would have been at Redford High, or something like that.

Made up for waking up on the wrong side of the 313 by: visiting Alan Oldham's ancient WAYN-FM radio studio for further New Wave guidance during '85 and '86. There's irony for you.

Track that still does it all: It Is What It Is.

Track that goes even further: Red Planet 1: A2. Lost Transmission from Earth. A kicker at 45rpm, but at 33 it goes beautifully downtempo with DEE-EEE-EEEEP bass, and Cleaver's voice is perfectly distorted.

Favorite 313 memory: DEMF 1, Sunday Morning (okay, early afternoon), Saunderson kickin' out a glorious gospel-tinged set in the sunshine at the main stage. I dance almost the whole set with my two-year-old son on my shoulders.

Of all the 313 events I've missed, I would have wanted to be here: Sunday Brunch at that One X place on Michigan Ave just downtown from the Michigan Gallery (now Zeitgeist). Mostly because I heard it was kid-friendly, outside in the sunshine, and walking distance from home. A lost opportunity.

Favorite club: I'll be able to answer this question a bit better in six weeks' time, after visiting the D again. Clubs in or near Corktown will be favored, since I'll be able to stumble home from them without endangering anyone on the road. In-town suggestions for the week of July 2-8, and July 28-August 4 warmly welcomed.

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