ha wrote:

so i'm allowed to make copies for my own use of copyrighted records i own/bought.

in case i will be found playing files off of my computer / CD-Rs i will have to proof that i own the original record and everything will be fine

what if i have sold/lost/broken the record in question in the meantime. will i have to produce some sort of proof / documentation that i once owned it, or is it illegal altogether to own a self-fabricated copy of some copyrighted work if one is not in posession of the original *anymore*.

anyone know?


I believe the proof that you own(ed) it is the original artwork which acccompanied the release. While I don't believe the powers-that-be are quite to point of busting down doors (yet) and checking to see if those cdrs you have in the corner can be matched up with originals in your collection, it is my understanding that in order to be completely legal you have to prove current ownership and the above is that proof.


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