Hmmm....I live at 836 Hawk.
Some of use zip +4, so that makes the post code longer.
My turn: why does everybody in Britain live in 'named' bulidings, flats, etc.
Your addesses tend to be some of the longest in the world. It's not just
"123 Glouchestershire St", it's "798 Mamwell's Park Road, Downey Close, Surrey 
on the Hill, Woltersham, Gerald's Way, Nottinghamshire, tc11 r45, etc., etc."

?? What's up with that? Huh? :-)

                                 running out of ink and room on the mailers,


> why is it all streets in america are so long?
> everyone seems to live at number 10018143197 apartment 7. etc.
> can't the ministry of american roads sort this out?
> i'm drafting a letter as we speak, I feel sorry for the posties.
> postmanager bob "where are you jim"
> postman jim "i'm still on my round"
> postmanager bob "f**k  me jim, you only have one street to do"
> postman jim "yeah, I just went past house number 3047 only 10,000 houses to
> go now"
> postmanager bob "ok, see you tomorrow jim"
> err, yeah, anyway.
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