Interesting post James.

On Aug 31, 2005, at 8:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

as i understand it: up north they're hard, down south they're a bunch of
shandy drinkers.

this is what i've picked up from years of watching british tv in a former
colony.  so if i'm wrong blame

the goodies

Goodies!  The Goody-goodies Yum Yum...  (Thank you PBS in 1976...)

this divisions were further sharpened by the decline of the industrial
revolution and the closure of the mines post second world war. it reached
it's nadir during thatcher's years when the miner's union was defeated
after a long long strike and the mass closure of pits and mass
unemployment. the northern cities went into decline furthering the flight
of capital to the south.

Just curious--was there a notable racial component to this?


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