IanM>Just curious--was there a notable racial component to this? (regards
miners strike, north/south divide)

Hi Ian.

No, thankfully there was no race issues really in this matter, more a case
of class divide really.
I'd expand further, but a) I'm not particuarly well educated and b) we're
well off topic!

I have a few friends who's entire familys were miners (many many
generations), and because the strike wasn't so long ago they have first
hand stories to tell.
One friend, who is quite alot older than me, was a "Flying Picket" at 15,
supporting his dad, grandad, uncles, cousins etc. mad crazy stories. hard
times for a lot of people. and a bit of a scandal, but, well, thats another
story and we're sooooo far off topic : )

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