With regard North/South divide no real race issues. Mainly class issues as Alex points out.

Britian did suffer race riots in the early 80s but these were spread over the UK (Toxteth/Liverpool, Bristol, Brixton/London).

Possible reasons here: http://www.stthomasu.ca/~pmccorm/toxtethpart2.html

I'd expand but I'll cite reasons a) and b) as to why not too :)

ok back to the topic at hand...


IanM>Just curious--was there a notable racial component to this? (regards
miners strike, north/south divide)

Hi Ian.

No, thankfully there was no race issues really in this matter, more a case
of class divide really.
I'd expand further, but a) I'm not particuarly well educated and b) we're
well off topic!

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