This reminds me a bit of when my wife and I last went to see Bowie - except 
that it was unnerving to see how old the crowd LOOKED. Seriously- one woman 
challenged my abilities to tell if she was getting into the show or having some 
medication issues. The most vibrant group looked like the WNIC (local bad 
morning-radio show) secretary pool after a few too many Long Island Teas - 
bellowing the Ziggy hits they recognized (ar at least the choruses). The 
feeling I had was "do I belong HERE??" with the offputting realization that it 
*was* my peers age-wise who surrounded me. My wife must have sensed my 
distressed...she kept saying "honey, you don't look like them". I have a few 
years on Greg, but still - most of these people looked like they were in their 
      On the other hand, I do believe I relayed my experience on this list from 
the last Movement where I had several teenies "interview" me as if I were some 
sort of hip curiosity, asking "is your son spinning here?"...and "do you folks 
like techno?". Can't win, I guess. Take it in stride. :-)


> > I had an odd experience the other night.  I went to see Gang Of Four
> > play in Hollywood; they were absolutely brilliant - as if I'd stepped
> > out of a time machine and back into late 1981 or something.  It was
> > a real thrill to see such a well-oiled machine at work.  Rock music
> > hasn't given me that kind of a thrill in quite a long time.  Meanwhile,
> > I was also somewhat encouraged by all the graybeards in attendance -
> > there were quite a few old faces I recognized (but I didn't know
> > them back in the day, so I didn't talk to any of them), which was
> > good to see.... 

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