It's weird looking at those Northern Soul night pics.

I just turned 47, so it looks to me like I'm around the same age
demographic as those folks (I suspect a few of them are older,
given that Northern Soul's heyday was when I was pretty young).

I kept comparing myself to them - "So *this* is what you end up
like after too many pints over too many years" ;)  Past 45, it's
a real challenge keeping your waistline anywhere close to trim.
(I also felt like a lot of those people's faces looked "lived in" -
 I suspect drink's got a bit to do with that, too.  Other than
 that, however, I saw myself as not looking a whole lot different
 than most of that lot.)

I had an odd experience the other night.  I went to see Gang Of Four
play in Hollywood; they were absolutely brilliant - as if I'd stepped
out of a time machine and back into late 1981 or something.  It was
a real thrill to see such a well-oiled machine at work.  Rock music
hasn't given me that kind of a thrill in quite a long time.  Meanwhile,
I was also somewhat encouraged by all the graybeards in attendance -
there were quite a few old faces I recognized (but I didn't know
them back in the day, so I didn't talk to any of them), which was
good to see.  Aging Hipsters: We're Out Here, And We're Not Going Away.
(We Just Don't Crawl Out Of The Woodwork That Often.)

But after the gig I wandered across the street to a Rock club run
by our very own Yussel (late of this parish).  I was immediately
surrounded by 21-25 year old jagged-edged hairdo Hollywood kids,
and the only person I knew there was Josh.  I felt like a fish out
of water, and quickly beat a hasty retreat (Tejada was playing
down the street as it happened, so that was a good reason to leave).
There's a time when you know You Just Don't Belong Anymore, and that
was such a time for me.

Then I went to catch the last 15 minutes of Tejada's set (an
impromptu quasi-jam with Kenneth Gibson a.k.a. Eight Frozen Modules
ensued), and while in that environment there were also a fair number
of 21-25 year olds, I also knew quite a few people there (hi Doris!)
and immediately felt much more at ease - among "My People", or
something.  I may be by far the oldest apple on the tree in the
Techno realm out here, but the playing field seems much more level.
The age range at Techno/House events runs the gamut, from the very
young to ... erm, well, me.

Hopefully I've got a few more years to go to Techno parties before
I feel like, as I did at the Hollywood club, it's time to put myself
out to pasture.

        - Greg

P.S. Robin?  Re: Electroclash - I like some of it just fine.  Remember
     kids: "Labels are for cans".

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