Yeah I'll happily stand by what I said below.

I don't say it from any high brow point of view though. I bowed out of the ultra analysis of this thread saying it's not good to overthink these things. You feel what you feel.

I'm simply saying that people will like what is fed them by record companies. There's not a lot controversial in that. It's what happens.


I can't tell who said the part about kids listening to music because it's expected of them, but that's about one of the stuppidest things I have ever heard in my life.  And if you don't know by now when something is put on heavy rotation, even if you hate it, most people start to except it out of habit, then you are really in the dark. AND it's quite possible people like poppy crap. Not because they are forced to. I hate this ideology, that you aren't true or can't really enjoy music unless you understand the intelligence behind it.  That's something I don't like about this list, SOME people truly really enjoy the music they are discussing in here, and then there are ALOT of people that have to disect it, analyze it, or diss a mass public for mood changes in buying. Or some one who loves Crazy Frog is less of a music less lover then some one that has Carl Craig's complete anthology, white labels included.  I mean it's like insulting the people who buy records from non english speaking countries of American and English artists, because they can't understand the lyrics, but are buying the music for the beat or the sound. They just love the sound.  They don't know why one artist is one way or the other. I actually don't listen to the radio too much, but I don't think people, or youth who do are mindless or do it because they are putting in their hours because it's what "expected" from them. Geez, relax.
Please forward this to the 313 for me, whenever I try to post, the list rejects my post, but I still am able to get the posts from everyone else.  Probably because once I said Juan Atkins is a cry baby. Not my exact words, but, well please post this for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: 313 Detroit <>
Sent: Wed, 02 Nov 2005 11:02:30 +0000
Subject: Re: (313) DJ Mag Poll

> Now if you're asking why people like them - I have no clue. Bad taste? 
Sadly most people listen to music because it's what they are expected to do when they are young. This leads to a large portion of the music buying public just buying what's pushed on them via radio/mtv/etc. Rather than looking for stuff they might actually like more. 
I have to learn to be less cynical don't I? 

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