OK, I'll bite....

Gen has always depended on shock to make his point, and he's made a
few valid points along the way -- the primary one being to use any
means necessary to resist subsumption into capitalist money making
machine. One day, Throbbing Gristle has Parliement up in arms, the
next, someone's trying to turn the outrage into something to make
money from.

If you think he's gone through what he has just to shock people, you probably need to think it through again because it's wrong on many levels. There's no doubt he does things to make you question things but pure shock is more Whitehouse than G-PO...

On the other hand, there are people out there who make art that
doesn't need to be offensive to be affecting and relevant. Case in
point -- the rest of the TG crew's work after TG, which remained edgey
and wonderful without being a complete freak show.   Others might
disagree with me, but I'd be a whole lot more impressed with Gen if
he'd stop trying to make himself into a homely middle aged tart to
scare the citizens and really get down to cases musically.

Classic judging the book by it's cover, get your head out of the Daily Mail, since TG have you followed his work much?

It's especially interesting -- for the purposes of this list -- to
contrast the work ethic that Detroit Techno artists bring to the music
with whatever the hell it is that Gen P Orridge is doing.  The UR
building -- with the garden tools in the entrance to the record store
-- is far more revolutionary.

Square peg and round hole spring to mind...


On 11/28/05, darnistle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jamie Stewart wrote:

Sweet feckin jesus. I didn't think p orridge could shock me any longer
but that last image popped my eye. Nasty.

I still find it inspiring that he has maintained all these years.  The
spirit lives on.

Wish I could see TG live.... :((((((((((

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