There's obviously no accounting for taste -- and I'm def. not slagging
yours. I've heard a lot of Psychic TV over the years without it ever
really getting under my skin. Not my cup of whatever.  If you're a fan
and Gen's work is meaningful to you, that's great.  My first paragraph
says precisely that I _don't_ think he just does things to shock.

I've read through his websites, and interviews over the years, so I
know he's always thought carefully about what he does, and that he's
serious.  But like a lot of artists I could name, I am not sold on the
end product.  At the end of the day, there's so much music worth a
listen out there that I've given up trying to keep current on
everything, and follow my nose.

And I live in Iowa, USA, so I've yet to get my head into the Daily
Mail.  And anyway, while one should not judge a book by its cover,
artists definitely limit their audience with the cover they choose for
their books.

On 11/29/05, Martin Dust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, I'll bite....
> > Gen has always depended on shock to make his point, and he's made a
> > few valid points along the way -- the primary one being to use any
> > means necessary to resist subsumption into capitalist money making
> > machine. One day, Throbbing Gristle has Parliement up in arms, the
> > next, someone's trying to turn the outrage into something to make
> > money from.
> If you think he's gone through what he has just to shock people, you
> probably need to think it through again because it's wrong on many
> levels. There's no doubt he does things to make you question things but
> pure shock is more Whitehouse than G-PO...
> >
> > On the other hand, there are people out there who make art that
> > doesn't need to be offensive to be affecting and relevant. Case in
> > point -- the rest of the TG crew's work after TG, which remained edgey
> > and wonderful without being a complete freak show.   Others might
> > disagree with me, but I'd be a whole lot more impressed with Gen if
> > he'd stop trying to make himself into a homely middle aged tart to
> > scare the citizens and really get down to cases musically.
> Classic judging the book by it's cover, get your head out of the Daily
> Mail, since TG have you followed his work much?
> >
> > It's especially interesting -- for the purposes of this list -- to
> > contrast the work ethic that Detroit Techno artists bring to the music
> > with whatever the hell it is that Gen P Orridge is doing.  The UR
> > building -- with the garden tools in the entrance to the record store
> > -- is far more revolutionary.
> Square peg and round hole spring to mind...
> m

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