On 8/31/06, skept <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
seems like some of you are blaming the bad computer generated music on
producers having ridiculous amounts of vst effects and instruments which
causes them to over use them and not even take the time to learn them
and use them to their fullest capabilities. as opposed to a studio where
one would spend a lot of money on one thing and learn every last little
detail about it, produce the greatest sounds it could etc. first off i
agree with that completely. but it's not like the people who have every
vst effect and instrument in existence are buying them. so the problem
with the bad computer generated music is software piracy not the
computer itself. software is expensive just like hardware (maybe not
completely comparable price ranges). if people bought every piece of
software they use i am assuming they would devote a lot more time to
mastering it and would have less distractions from other "toys" causing
better computer music to be produced.

but its also the general design of the software. do people REALLY need
more than 16 tracks to make a dance song? 16 tracks would get LAUGHED
at by today's standards. people want infinite tracks so they can make
infinite small changes to their infinite bit depth sample of someone
in a little room banging on a drum set. music would be better had this
nonsense just never existed.


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