But, couldn't you also just keep taking that arguement back against
practically ANY new musical technology that was invented?

Do people REALLY need more than 2 tracks to make ANY music? Humans only
have 2 ears, and most consumer playback hardware only has 2 tracks, left
and right. Anything else is superfulous. I suppose I could argue that
multitrack recording ruined music, and we would have been better off had
Les Paul never invented it.

Before multitrack recording, if you wanted to make music you actually had
to invest the time to learn how to play an instrument, and play it WELL.
Recorded music was written and performed only by people who were willing
to put in the years of training and practice that were required to do it
well, you had to have an actual band that was capable of all playing the
material together and in one take. No overdubs. No layering. No re-takes.

Now, with multitrack recording, you've got singers that couldn't put
together a solid performance to save their lives and instead rely on
overdubs, punching in and out, and multiple takes to get a good
performance. Ditto on guitarists, drummers, and on and on.

Heck, it's enabled people to get rid of the concept of a "band" alogether.
You've got people sitting in rooms alone with racks of synths and
sequencers tapping out little patterns and eschewing any kind of
collaboration or real performance, people who couldn't actually PERFORM
the songs if they had to.

Darn that Les Paul, he's ruined music.

I don't have a problem with any of this personally, just as I don't have
any problem with using computers and softsynths. I'm just playing devil's
addvocate and extrapolating out the point to a further degree. And there
certainly ARE some people in the world who would argue in favor of many of
these points. People who would claim techno isn't REAL music, simply
because of the tools and methodology that's used to produce it.

Besides, if you REALLY want to point to the villian for the sad state of
music today, I would suggest pointing to the internet. There have always
been tons of people making really BAD music, but before the internet it
was so much more difficult to distribute it and share it with the world,
so it was easier to avoid and ignore. Sure, there are more people making
bad music now than ever before, but were it not for the internet we
wouldn't have to hear so much of it. :)

> but its also the general design of the software. do people REALLY need
> more than 16 tracks to make a dance song? 16 tracks would get LAUGHED at
> by today's standards. people want infinite tracks so they can make
> infinite small changes to their infinite bit depth sample of someone in
> a little room banging on a drum set. music would be better had this
> nonsense just never existed.
> tom

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