VERY good point.  when i drop $1k on a piece of gear, i get into it.  plugins 
are like 
"oh, this doesn't work, i'm bored with  it, let's try the next one".

plugins are wonderful things, capable of huge transformations barely available 
even the most high-end gear a few years ago.  but there's an over-reliance on 
them and the fact that they're so widely distributed as cracks is a big issue.

musicians can all easily access the ultimately similar-sounding, overused loops 
and effects without figuring out how to make them do something unique that 
speaks of their own perspective and experience.  and now people without much 
trouble, can access the music for free, at random, for a few seconds or a few 

so let's extend this argument one further - if people don't care as much about 
spoils that are not hard-won, why should anyone truly care about music?  

(take this with a grain of salt and bear in mind the devil's-advocate nature of 
question and hypothesis)


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: skept <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Thu, 31 Aug 2006 17:17:34 -0400

>seems like some of you are blaming the bad computer generated music on 
>producers having ridiculous amounts of vst effects and instruments which 
>causes them to over use them and not even take the time to learn them 
>and use them to their fullest capabilities. as opposed to a studio where 
>one would spend a lot of money on one thing and learn every last little 
>detail about it, produce the greatest sounds it could etc. first off i 
>agree with that completely. but it's not like the people who have every 
>vst effect and instrument in existence are buying them. so the problem 
>with the bad computer generated music is software piracy not the 
>computer itself. software is expensive just like hardware (maybe not 
>completely comparable price ranges). if people bought every piece of 
>software they use i am assuming they would devote a lot more time to 
>mastering it and would have less distractions from other "toys" causing 
>better computer music to be produced.

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