Hmm . . . Tweekin in San Francisco, Submerge/SID (of course),
and three no longer in existence -- Ameba in SF (not the current
Amoeba which is a good super-store), Exotique in Seattle and
Sonic Groove in NYC.

Other ones I have liked include Record Time in Detroit, 12-Inch
Dance Records in DC (also out of business now), Eightball in
NYC (also gone), BPM in SF, Flying and Vinyl Junkies in London,
Gramophone in Chicago and and our own Platinum and Starbass
(gone) here in Portland.  There are quite a few well known
house/techno stores that I have not been to (LA and Toronto in
particular) so this is hardly a comprehensive list.

But only Hardwax is on a block (actually they are in a back
building accessible through a courtyard entrance) with about
six cafes having a variety of good food and beer and a nice
view of the canal :)


>On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 04:34:19PM -0800, Fred Heutte wrote:
>> a fine lunch at the cafe on the corner.  That seals it - Hardwax
>> is one of maybe four or five top DJ stores I've ever been to :)
>I am curious: which are the other three or four?

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