Wojtek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now, if someone could only ID the track he played that has early
'80's-sounding, almost disco-like female vocals (not the Wee papa
Girls one) and a slowed down, Chaka Khan like melody/bassline...

have you checked his "inspirations" mix thats floating about on the
net? it could be something that he played on there, its mostly disco

I did, and it's none of those unfortunately :(  It might be the female
vocal from Chip E.'s "Like This", but I have yet to hear the whole

Around 4:30 AM he played ESG's "Moody" at about +8.  It sounded very odd
at that speed.  Dunno if that's what you were referring to ...

As for the rest of what he played, it's interesting to see how different
people react differently to hearing the same music  ;)  Of course, that
night was more of a social night for me than anything (too many (313)'ers
past & present there - me, Fixer, gm, Yussel, DorisNonWoo, DJ Horsepower
among others - to pay close attention to Mills' set), so trainspotting was
not the order of the day for me.  And I'm spoiled by seeing Mills in
Barcelona at Moog back in June, where he played a brilliant all-over-the-map
set (lots of House, some Tech-House, "Midnight Express", you name it)
that really kept me engaged.

        - Greg (Who - along with several list lurkers - is amused that
                nothing was said about Rich's set)

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