Mixing good artists with bad PAs makes me sad. Like eating fillet steak and 
eating it well-done
with ketchup.

I hear what you are saying about ear damage... I have started wearing earplugs 
regularly now. Only
some cheapo ones, but they still make a hell of a difference. I am seriously 
considering buying
some custom-moulded ones because for a couple of hundred quid it is definitely 
worth it. Some
clubs I have been to actually have little earplug-dispenser machines... how 
thoughtful :)

> Strange, I thought the one thing that spoiled the gig a small amount 
> generally but Convextion's
> set particularly was the PA.  It's
> not that I didn't think it was decent, the promoter had obviously done the 
> right thing, spent his
> pennies and got a decent rig.
> However the sound was so harsh it was almost painful.  Maybe this wasn't so 
> noticeable at the
> front (it was an unusual set up with
> the main speakers at the back at the other side of the room from and facing 
> toward the artists,
> with only their monitors up front)
> but it was at the back (or in the middle where I was).  I don't know if 
> they'd not done a sound
> check or - if as it seemed - there
> was just nobody looking after the sound but it spoiled things for me - some 
> amazing Basic Channel
> sounds which I should have been
> jumping to were making me wince instead.  Just far too much top end and 
> although it was really
> loud no feeling of real bottom end.
> I left after Convextion (which was amazing and I did enjoy despite this moan) 
> because although I
> wanted to see Pendle Coven who were
> on last (really wanted to see them) I was worried about my ears.  With good 
> cause too as they were
> ringing for several hours
> afterwards.
> Here in the UK we are for some reason supposed to constantly put up with poor 
> sound.  It just
> doesn't seem to get the attention or
> be as high up on the list of priorities as it does abroad.  Maybe this is a 
> false impression I
> have generated by being lucky in only
> visiting some places with really good sound when travelling - but I doubt it.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: robin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 09 March 2007 11:03
>> Convextion was brilliant in a different way, faster more
>> electro based with that control of echo and delay that needs
>> a decent PA to do it justice (which thankfully they had).

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